
Abstractbook     PDF



The submission of abstracts is closed. We thank you for your contribution.


Submission for oral communications/posters/posterflashes


Submitted abstracts will be evaluated by the scientific committee and accepted as oral communication or poster with or without additional posterflash presentation.


Submission of an SSHH Project
for the session implementation/innovation



Submission as candidate for an SSHH Award

General requirements

Please follow the instructions of the official award announcement of the SSHH.

Participants who submit an abstract in the categories "Best poster" and "Best project (innovation/implementation)" and would like to take part in the competitions should be aware of the following requirements for participation: At least the first or last author has to be member of the SSHH (individual or corporate) respectively has to have submitted the application for membership for the General Assembly. Non-members of the SSHH are not eligible to participate in the competitions.

Award Announcement SSHH_DE
Award Announcement SSHH_FR
Award Announcement SSHH_IT