Societies and Scientific Committee

About the societies


Swiss Society for Microbiology SSM

The Swiss Society for Microbiology (SSM) is a professional association with more than 700 members working in the field of human and veterinary medical microbiology, fundamental and general microbiology, (food production and safety, environment), biotechnology, virology and mycology.

The SSM currently has more than 700 members and 5 dedicated sections:

  • Clinical Microbiology
  • Environmental Microbiology
  • Mycology
  • Prokaryotic Biology
  • Virology

President: Gilbert Greub, MD PhD, Lausanne



Swiss Society for Infectious Diseases SSI

The Society was founded in 1996. Its missions are amongst others:

  • to offer a high quality training program in infectious diseases compatible with professional requirements in Switzerland and Europe.
  • to continue to develop a high level of research (both basic and clinical) in infectious diseases.
  • to educate the medical profession on problems related to infectious diseases.
  • to promote public awareness of the dangers to all of us of public health issues such as the development of multiresistance in common microorganisms.

At the moment the Society has around 270 members.
President: Prof. Hansjakob Furrer, MD, Bern




Swiss Society for Hospital Hygiene SSHH

The Swiss Society for Hospital Hygiene advocates and promotes the prevention of nosocomial infections.

At the moment the Society has around 300 members (individuals and institutions).
President: Matthias Schlegel, MD, St.Gallen



Swiss Society of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology SSTMP

The overall goal of the Swiss Society of Tropical Medicine and Parasitology (SSTMP) is to represent the integrating basis for the common interests of all people in Switzerland working in the fields of tropical medicine and parasitology.

The SSTMP is open for all activities in basic and applied research in parasitology as well as in tropical medicine. The activities within these three domains represent the driving force of the SSTMP. The committee of the SSTMP encourages and coordinates if necessary individual initiatives and activities within and interactions between these domains. The annual assembly and the annual scientific meeting form the integrating forum where the emphasis is laid on the interdisciplinary aspects of and the critical dialog between the three domains. The SSTMP represents the interests of its members towards other scientific societies, political and educational institutions 

President: Prof. Dr. Jürg Utzinger, Basel




Scientific committee


Prof. Greub Gilbert, MD-PhD, Lausanne | President 

Prof. Dirk Bumann, PhD, Basel | Local chair 

Prof. Christoph Dehio, PhD, Basel

Prof. Philippe Corvini, PhD, Basel 

PD Adrian Egli, MD-PhD, Basel

Prof. MD Hans Hirsch, Basel

Prof. Christof Holliger, PhD, Lausanne

Prof. PhD Thomas Klimkait, Basel

Prof. Pilar Junier, PhD, Neuchâtel

Karl Perron, PhD, Genève

Prof. Jacques Schrenzel, MD, Genève

Prof. Volker Thiel, PhD, Bern

Prof. Patrick Viollier, PhD, Genève

Jakob Zopfi, PhD, Basel


Prof. Hansjakob Furrer, MD, Bern | President 

Prof. Manuel Battegay, MD, Basel | Local chair

Prof. Andreas Widmer, MD, Basel

Prof. Christian van Delden, MD, Geneva

Prof. Pierre Yves Bochud, MD, Lausannne

Prof. Annelies Zinkernagel, MD, Zürich

Prof. Ursula Flückiger, MD, Aarau

Prof. Andri Rauch, MD, Bern

Prof. Stephen Leib, MD, Bern 


Matthias Schlegel, MD, St.Gallen | President 

Prof. Christian Chuard, MD, Fribourg 

Marc Dangel, MPH, Basel

Marie-Theres Meier, Zürich 


Prof. Jürg Utzinger, PhD, Basel | President

Daniel Mäusezahl, PhD, MPH, Basel

Extended Committee SSTMP

Laurence Rochat, MD, Lausanne 

Prof. Britta Lundström Stadelmann, PhD, Bern 

Pierre Landry, MD, Neuchâtel 

Prof. Adrian Hehl, PhD, Zürich 


Prof. Christoph Hatz, MD, Basel | President 

Pietro Antonini, MD, Lugano